Friday, March 30, 2007

Bloody Mary

Warning: Pls refrain from readin if u dont like explicit/violent content.Some of the following lines are loaded with it....

Mary my Love.
i can feel u r kiss ..Only in my dreams..
U r eyes make me see...the colors of life.
I live 4 U ...i'm gonna die with U...

Who da F**K is Mary...
how can she control U...
its u r life ...U can't fall for this ..
She's another passing cloud...

Whos that she falling 4 him..
dont see her u F**Ker ...she's mine...
y is this so in love with her..
But she's falling for him....

she's just like others...
she wont love U..
she expects looks and money...which u lack many...
leave her away ..we gotta go long way...
time's running ...we might miss our train...

it has happened....they r together..
i cant see it...make me blind...if this continues
i'm gonna kill that F**ker...
i'm gonna hammer his quench my blood thirst ...
i'm gonna cut him into pieces to feed my dog...

hammer his head ???
its a side effect of that gangsta movies ...
come on get up ..stop dreaming...
leave them ..they make a good pair.

Yes ...let them be happy....
But whos that girl...
she is daisy..she looks like a fairy...

Oh My God...
he's started again...
when is this gonna end......

End: it will continue.