Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Story Never Said

- A Novie Attempt

The following paras are a strange mid summer day dream of a not so confused Software Engineer.

The Narrator
In the not so far future a Bill was passed.This Bill would change the lives of a community which changed the life of common man.

YEAR .... 2050 A.D

The Bill
  • The So called S.E will not be entitled to citizenship in any country..
  • They cant own any property ....
  • They will remain 50 Kms away from the city....
  • Having relationship with the S.E will lead to severe punishments.

YEAR .... 2005 A.D

The Cause

Characters : S.E,Common Man,Cab Driver


Scenario: Some kind of protest is done by the opposition Government. All Government Buses are in strike.Our S.E and Common Man are waiting in a Metro Bus Stand. Here comes our Street Hero Cabby.

CM:Egmore ....How much?
Cabby : 50 sir
CM:But usually its 25 ...
Cabby: but today its strike sir..
CM: I'll pay only 35 ..not more than that
Cabby thinks this deal is gud...But Here arrives our S.E
S.E: Excuse me....Egmore..
Cabby: 50 Sir
S.E:Ok ..but go fast..i need to reach in 15 mins..
Cab leaves ...but our common man is left in the streets.

The Decision

Venue:Somewhere in Chennai

Scenario:A Group of Common man discussing on something.

CM1:These ppl must be completely removed from the city
CM2:yes..these ppl are responsible for the price hikes everywhere.
CM3:they hav increased the cost of living..they are not worried about the common ppl
CM4:A decision has to be made.. we have to do something to stop this..

Money is not everything. Learn to respect People.