Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Saturday, July 14, 2007

And the love story begins

Vikram and Vaishu...We are gonna peek into their lives for a moment...
dont worry nobody will catch u....

TIME:time to propose
DATE: u r Fav date
PLACE: in u r imagination

Vi(kram) : Hey!...Hellooo!!...Oye!!!

Vaishu turns and looks at Vikram...
She signs to vikram whether he's calling her.

Vi(kram) : Yes...U!

he comes running and stops near vaishu...starts brathing heavily...

Va(ishu) : From where r u chasin me...

Vi: Me ..chasin u...who said ??

Va : No i jus saw u...

Vi : Oh tht ... i forgot to jog 2day morn ..thats y?

Va: y did u asked me to stop....

Vi : i idnt ask u to stop...

Va : then y did u call me...

Vi : i only called u ... i dint want u to stop....

Va : Ok ..i'm leaving...

Vi : Ok ...please....

Vaishu starts walking..Vikram starts to walk beside her...

Vi : hey...i need to ask u something...

Va : yes

Vi : y would someone smile at someone without any reason...

Va : that someone might like that someone...

Vi : oh is it..

Vi : Hey .. y did u smile at me...

Va : When ..

Vi : jus now....

Va : no i dint smile at u...

Vi : then who did u smile at

Va : I dint smile ...

Vi : did u smile or not...

Va : no i dint ..

Vi : So u didnt smile...

Va : yes...

Vi : So u dont smile at all...

Va : no .. i do smile...

Vi : so u wont smile at me...

Va : ..no its not like that ...

Vi : So u would smile at me...

Va : But y should i smile at u...

Vi : so u would smile at me only with a reason....

Va : yes ..may be...

Vi : tell me....wats the reason??

Va : i dont hv a reason ...

Vi : So u'll smile at me without a reason...

Vi : so u like me ..is it..

Va : no..

Vi :So u dont like me...

Va : y should i like u ...

Vi : because u like me ....

Va : i didnt say that ....

Vi : But u smile at me without a reason...

Va : hey ...wat r u upto...

Vi : vaishu..i like u ... i love u

Scene Ends

Vaishu's reply is left to u r imagination.

Thanks for u r interest in wasting u r time readin the above posting.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Superstar - The Ultimatum

Coming Soon

Theory Of Dativity

Coming Soon

Friday, March 30, 2007

Bloody Mary

Warning: Pls refrain from readin if u dont like explicit/violent content.Some of the following lines are loaded with it....

Mary my Love.
i can feel u r kiss ..Only in my dreams..
U r eyes make me see...the colors of life.
I live 4 U ...i'm gonna die with U...

Who da F**K is Mary...
how can she control U...
its u r life ...U can't fall for this ..
She's another passing cloud...

Whos that guy...is she falling 4 him..
dont see her u F**Ker ...she's mine...
y is this happening..im so in love with her..
But she's falling for him....

she's just like others...
she wont love U..
she expects looks and money...which u lack many...
leave her away ..we gotta go long way...
time's running ...we might miss our train...

it has happened....they r together..
i cant see it...make me blind...if this continues
i'm gonna kill that F**ker...
i'm gonna hammer his head..to quench my blood thirst ...
i'm gonna cut him into pieces to feed my dog...

hammer his head ???
its a side effect of that gangsta movies ...
come on get up ..stop dreaming...
leave them ..they make a good pair.

Yes ...let them be happy....
But whos that girl...
she is daisy..she looks like a fairy...

Oh My God...
he's started again...
when is this gonna end......

End: it will continue.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Segment1 - A Fathers loss
Segment2 - The Time machine
Segment3 - A Spoiled child
Segment4 - The Sin
Segment 5 - The Connector

PS:i've come up with the title as of now..need some time to get confused and confuse


My Puppets

A puppet is an inanimate object, usually but not necessarily a character, used in play or a presentation.

A:Selecting #2 to Jeal #1

B:Her like ...The Friend ....He never knows .... End with Firend

C:The Speed..The Risk......The Accident....The Guilt.

D:The Son ...His Mother..The Death...The Story about her.

E:He's Rich ..The Fan..The Music..The Madness...Dance of Death.

F:He's in search of his lover..She's in danger somewhere..he could hear the Pain...
but how to help.

G:The Guy...The Girl...he has one day to make her fall in love...A Child waiting for that to happen

H:Hero..Villain...Comedian...Rebel...Third Gender...And Me

I:Everything is fair in Love and War

J:The Train ..The Journey ... The Accident...The WormHole....The Future.

K:Marriage... Their Secret ..

L:Murder at Marriage .....Robbery at Beach.

M: Dogs Vs Us ..The Big Fight ...Animate

N: The Real Vs The Reel...

O:Untold story of a School - The Big fight for No 1

P:He's da god..he's our SIR

Q:The Son, The Story, The Sentence

S: "Save Thy Mother" By thy Baby

PS:plz dont try to understand the above.even I dont know

For Someone Special

I saw u

I saw u cry in the dark
I saw u dance in the rain
I saw u smile in crowd
I saw u wave to the clouds
I saw U...

I saw u r love for him
I saw u r care for him
I saw u play with him
I saw u leave me for HIM
I saw U.....

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Story Never Said

- A Novie Attempt

The following paras are a strange mid summer day dream of a not so confused Software Engineer.

The Narrator
In the not so far future a Bill was passed.This Bill would change the lives of a community which changed the life of common man.

YEAR .... 2050 A.D

The Bill
  • The So called S.E will not be entitled to citizenship in any country..
  • They cant own any property ....
  • They will remain 50 Kms away from the city....
  • Having relationship with the S.E will lead to severe punishments.

YEAR .... 2005 A.D

The Cause

Characters : S.E,Common Man,Cab Driver


Scenario: Some kind of protest is done by the opposition Government. All Government Buses are in strike.Our S.E and Common Man are waiting in a Metro Bus Stand. Here comes our Street Hero Cabby.

CM:Egmore ....How much?
Cabby : 50 sir
CM:But usually its 25 ...
Cabby: but today its strike sir..
CM: I'll pay only 35 ..not more than that
Cabby thinks this deal is gud...But Here arrives our S.E
S.E: Excuse me....Egmore..
Cabby: 50 Sir
S.E:Ok ..but go fast..i need to reach in 15 mins..
Cab leaves ...but our common man is left in the streets.

The Decision

Venue:Somewhere in Chennai

Scenario:A Group of Common man discussing on something.

CM1:These ppl must be completely removed from the city
CM2:yes..these ppl are responsible for the price hikes everywhere.
CM3:they hav increased the cost of living..they are not worried about the common ppl
CM4:A decision has to be made.. we have to do something to stop this..

Money is not everything. Learn to respect People.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

My First Post

its Thursday,April 13 , 3:06PM....
i've successfully created a blog .